Rabu, 06 November 2013


komunitas jendela is a community that engaged in the education of children especially to increase their interest to reading. i joined with komunitas jendela since march 2013 after i visited forum jogja peduli on 3 march in benteng vredeburg yogyakarta.

i am very interisting with komunitas jendela because we have some activity with children. the motto is prepare the children to build a future. the member from komunitas jendela majority is student college from some university, so we can expand our network. i am very respect with young people who care with other especially children, marginal community, or children in remote area. i am sure if young people in Indonesia cared about this, or about other problem country, Indonesia will be advance country.

There are some many activity that i have done with komunitas jendela:

1. weekly routine activity in sapen.
every sunday komunitas jendela have routine activity in sapen to share with children about anything, such as reading, story telling. not only about book but also study about creativity, games, english, cultural introduction, planting and gardening, etc

2. Jendela for Charity
to celebrate the second birthday of komunitas jendela we held some event such as 365 book for Indonesia,   accoustic and stand up comedy performance to collect some donation such as book, clothes, to distributed to the area in need. we have donated some book to gunung kidul, bengkalis, bima, halmahera, papua, etc.

3. Makrab Jendela
to familiarize jendelist (volunteer designation komunitas jendela) it was held makrab. held in sundak beach, gunung kidul on 20-21 April. this activity was very fun, enjoy, such as outbound, ice breaking, games, and training.

4. Build library in turgo, (near from merapi)
on April komunitas jendela in colaborration with LP 109 (leadership program angkatan 109 indonesia menang) build library in turgo to help children to be more interest read and be smart.

5. On air
in komunitas jendela, i am as  network divison coordinator. one of our division program is  #JendelaMengudara (on air/broadcast on several radio). the first experience in my life. until now i have fourth on air. the first on air i am very nervous, but now i am be confidence.

6. Fundraising
fundraising is one of the resources to build komunitas jendela activity with selling clothes in sunmor ugm. this activity held once every month. i will tell how fun this activity in another article.

i hope komunitas jendela can be useful and make indonesia future more better. 

i am very proud to be volunteer of komunitas jendela. 

Volunteers don't get paid, not because they're worthless, but because they're priceless.  ~Sherry Anderson

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