Rabu, 20 November 2013

Interview User Tripatra

if you want to get job with full experience you should join EPC company (Engineering, Procurement, Construction), such as: Tripatra. Any other EPC from Indonesia beside Tripatra such as : Rekayasa Industri, IKPT. And EPC from foreign company such as: McDermott Indonesia,  Technip Indonesia, WorleyParsons, etc.

on monday, october 7th 2013 at 2 pm is my schedule to direct interview/ interview user with team leader electrical engineer, consist 2 people. The venue in Tripatra Building, Jl. R.A. Kartini No. 34, Cilandak Barat, Jakarta Selatan.

I will share about the kind of question, maybe it will be useful to prepare for interview user in tripatra or other company. At that time, i was given some questions such as:

1. Please discribe to us about your final project.
         You should really master about your thesis.  so that you can explain with good, and make interviewer know about your explanation.

2. Your experience, such as practical work or project.
         Incidentally, I have ever practical work in chevron pacific indonesia. so i share about my activity and my project in cpi, what i have done in there.

3. training that supports the work
         i think you must join the training that will help your career. such as in electrical engineering, there are training about ETAP software, PLC, etc.
        i was given some question about etap, how to simulate load flow, short circuit and protection in electrical power system.

4. You must know basic knowledge in your major
       You must know about standard in electrical like ANSI, IEC. And you must know basic drawing, such as: CB, DS, etc.

5. mastered your CV
       You can describe your CV about your personal, activity, organisation, experience, your strength and your weakness.

FYI :  you must know about the company you will apply and range salary. it is important

Finally, two days later i get announcement via email and by phone. Alhamdulillah, i am success, but until now i still considering to join.

Selasa, 19 November 2013

Schlumberger Test

i think mostly engineering college student after their graduate want to get job in oil company, especially schlumberger, because we know, in oil company you will get much sallary and any other facility.

on saturday  november 9th 2013 at JEC "Jogja Expo Center", i visited UGM jobfair to aplly job in some company. in slb booth occurred a very long queue. did you know? I queued up to 2 hours to fill bio-data in the slb computer. waow, very tired. until there is a loose shoe.

more than 1000 applicants, but only 490 applicants who qualify to take the test is carried out on monday november 11th  in the auditorium FIB UGM at 8 am until finish, the test consist of : communication skill, aptitude and group discussion. (all of test in english, ok. so prepare your english communication, start from now!).

1. three minute communication 

in this test, there are 5 interviewer (4 from indonesia, 1 from america), who will take pictures at random, and you have to describe the picture as clear as possible with a maximum of 3 minutes.

at that time, my interviewer is a manager from indonesia who have worked at slb during 20 years.

yeah, i get singer picture:
Mr A : please describe about singer.
me : singer is a .... (bla .. bla)
        my answer only 1 minutes and even then not smooth, my brain is blank, i didn't know.
Mr A : enough?
me : yes sir
Mr A : are you happy with your answer?
me : no sir.

I was very disappointed with my own answer. i think my friend have better english communication skill, they get picture about : motorcycle, car, bee, fish, king, train, tank, chopstick, pan and many other picture. (The pictures are about: vehicle, fruit, vegetable, profession, kitchen appliances)

I was sure I would not qualify for the next step. so I decided to go to boarding house.

at 12.45 pm i decide to go auditorium FIB, yeah i don't hope, i want to know who pass in first test.
at 1 pm I arrived at the auditorium, I did not expect at all, but there was my name in the announcement, it means I am eligible to take the test phase two. waow... very amazing, there are consist 250 participant.

2. Engineering Basic Test

so i entered the room, and i was late. and other applicant have been prepared to take tests.

before i sit, suddenly i was scolded by one of the judges  slb,

Mr B: Why are you late? is it important for you?
me: iam so sorry sir, I was pessimistic will not qualify. yes, very important for me
       (replied with a smile face)
Mr B: are you kidding me?
me: no sir, i am so sorry.
      (and then i sit)

engineering basic test consist of mechanical physics, power physics, mathematics, general (about 60 multiple choice questions) and 1 question to draw something from cube. allocated time 1 hour.

yeah.. i only can work 65% maybe, and then 35% i  fill with my feeling. nothing to lose...

and... one hour later, then, Alhamdulillah i still pass, and then go to the next step with 80 other participant.

3. Focus Group Discussion

in FGD you will be divided in some group, one group is consist 7 people. the project is you must build a RIG from 25 paper A4 + tape, with minimum high 60 cm and the rig must be able to support the weight of a battery.

yeah, and finally my group success to build a rig.

but in the end of discussion each of you will get some question to accountable for the work that has been done. i only answer with standard, because my english is very bad. so i cant to deliver my idea with good.

I stop up here, I have not succeeded to proceed to the next stage.

my advice is in this session you must be active to perform your speaking in english.

And then if us success in FGD, we will to the next step, interview HR and then interview user.

Still fighting to get dream job!

Rabu, 06 November 2013

10ribu Empat Mba !

Yeah...  pagi itu minggu 3 november 2013 dikala jam tangan merah maroonku menunjukkan pukul 05.26 WIB , aku memutuskan pergi dari kos untuk ketemu kak puput didepan fakultas teknik uny. Mau ngapain? Jogging? No! It’s time to fundraising bo, nyunmor gitu.

Entah udah vakum berapa lama kegiatan fundraising ini dilakukan. Dulu aku sih cuek. Tapi sekarang? Ah retoris banget. Ayo udah pada tau belum nih fundrasing itu apa? Jadi fundraising itu penggalangan dana untuk mendukung kegiatan jendela dengan cara menjual pakaian, aksesoris, dll.

Saat pertama tiba di TKP, ada lahan kosong depan rumah sewa milik desa catur tunggal, dalam hati aku berkata, “aha,.. wah kesempatan nih”, akhirnya kita buka lapak disitu. Tikar ping pun sudah digelar, suddenly datanglah seorang ibu, sebut saja bu mawar’ pemilik lahan yang sebenarnya. Ya udah deh kita gulung dan kemas barang yang udah digelar. Tapi bu mawar ternyata baik hati menawarkan pada kita untuk  jualan di tempat lain, tepatnya depan FBS uny karna kebetulan yang empunya lahan ga jualan, jadi bisa kita pake. Lumayan deh ada aub-aubnya, tenda gitu. Jadi setidaknya kulit mulus ini sedikit terlindungi, aduh de.
Singkat cerita jendelist yang lain dateng, ada paskah, devi, dan pasangan couple ary dan dety (peace). Duh udah jam 7 aja nih, si puput udah laper. Akhirnya puput, dety, dan aku muter-muter nyari makan. Ditengah perjalaan tiba-tiba aku mendengar suara seorang wanita yang jualan juga untuk kegiatan donasi. Saat dety menoleh melihat baju dan terus melangkahkan kakinya, si wanita itu bersuara, dan aku mendengarkannya, mau tau apa yang si wanita ini katakan? “ayo mba bajunya, ih mbanya tertarik banget loh, ayo murah 5 ribu aja!”.  Yang mana maksudnya dapat inspirasi dari kata-kata wanita itu? (yuk baca sampai akhir, dan kau akan tahu what i feel bro).

Ketukan detik yang merangkak dijam merah maroonku terus berputar, dan menunjuk di jam 8. Jejeran baju, celana dan aksesoris itu masih setia menumpuk. Mungkin devy memegang teguh prinsip jawa “nglarisi” jadi dia beli baju. Yang beli pertama malah jendelist nya. Devipun berkata “dari kita, untuk kita”, njuk piye? Percaya atau tidak selang setengah jam berikutnya ada seorang mba-mba yang membeli rok ping dan rompinya, lumayan 25 ribu, dalam hati aku berkata sendiri “padahal kalo mba nawar 15 ribu aja, aku kasih ko mba”. Haha... lumayan.


Anggota jendelis yang menuju TKP pun semakin bertambah, ada kak heri, kak nita, kak andi dan vega (adiknya kak sela, sumpah mirip banget, kalo ga percaya, coba aja lihat sendiri). Jam 9 pembeli belum ada lagi, sementara butiran sinar matahari mulai menyelinap, terselip diantara tenda, menghadiahkan panasnya yang membuat panas lah. Hihihi...

 “Ayo mba, 10 ribu dapet 4 loh!” lalu paskah pun berkata sambil bercanda “ini baju apa kaos kaki mas -__-“. Entah apa yang membuat bisikan wanita itu tiba-tiba menyentil fikiran akalku. Tanpa reflek akupun mengucapkan “ayo mba, 10 ribu empat! buat amal loh, ih mba nya tertarik banget loh, ayo mba dari pada penasaran” mba-mba yang lewatpun tiba-tiba melengkungkan senyumnya pada pipi indahnya dengan tersipu.

Dan semua itu hanyalah masalah waktu. Selalu saja penuh rahasia, yang tak lupa menanam benih-benih cerita selanjutnya. Mantra wanita itu ajaib ternyata. Walau terdengar sumbang, teriakan-teriakan itu sudah lebih dari cukup untuk menelanjangi pemikiran, menghipnotis pengunjung sunmor, yang sedari tadi cuek dan hanya berlalu lalang.  Tenda jendelapun mulai dikerubungi pembeli, semakin ramai. Mana ada pembeli difoto bareng penjual, sampe dimintain twitternya, bahkan kalo ada wanita si vega mau ngasih nomor HPnya (haha... ampun sel, just kidding ya veg). Ini semua terjadi tanpa direkayasa, hanya ada di fundraising jendela. (Now, you know what i feel bro?).


Saat jarum pendek angka 10 menunjuk dan memantulkan cahaya ke pelupuk mata, kegiatan gokil inipun segera di akhiri. Alhamdulillah terkumpul dana Rp 180.000. terimakasih jendelist yang sudah berjemur, berteriak, dan sok akting tak kenal malu. Kalian lebih hebat daripada bintang iklan. Terimakasih juga kepada para pembeli. Kalian luar biasa. Tak lupa pula kepada wanita yang telah membisiki mantranya.

Tulisan diatas bukanlah kisah fiktif belaka, ini nyata. Jika ada salah kata dan yang merasa kurang berkenan, dari lubuk hati yang sedang saya meminta maaf. Kalian luar biasa, jendelist.


komunitas jendela is a community that engaged in the education of children especially to increase their interest to reading. i joined with komunitas jendela since march 2013 after i visited forum jogja peduli on 3 march in benteng vredeburg yogyakarta.

i am very interisting with komunitas jendela because we have some activity with children. the motto is prepare the children to build a future. the member from komunitas jendela majority is student college from some university, so we can expand our network. i am very respect with young people who care with other especially children, marginal community, or children in remote area. i am sure if young people in Indonesia cared about this, or about other problem country, Indonesia will be advance country.

There are some many activity that i have done with komunitas jendela:

1. weekly routine activity in sapen.
every sunday komunitas jendela have routine activity in sapen to share with children about anything, such as reading, story telling. not only about book but also study about creativity, games, english, cultural introduction, planting and gardening, etc

2. Jendela for Charity
to celebrate the second birthday of komunitas jendela we held some event such as 365 book for Indonesia,   accoustic and stand up comedy performance to collect some donation such as book, clothes, to distributed to the area in need. we have donated some book to gunung kidul, bengkalis, bima, halmahera, papua, etc.

3. Makrab Jendela
to familiarize jendelist (volunteer designation komunitas jendela) it was held makrab. held in sundak beach, gunung kidul on 20-21 April. this activity was very fun, enjoy, such as outbound, ice breaking, games, and training.

4. Build library in turgo, (near from merapi)
on April komunitas jendela in colaborration with LP 109 (leadership program angkatan 109 indonesia menang) build library in turgo to help children to be more interest read and be smart.

5. On air
in komunitas jendela, i am as  network divison coordinator. one of our division program is  #JendelaMengudara (on air/broadcast on several radio). the first experience in my life. until now i have fourth on air. the first on air i am very nervous, but now i am be confidence.

6. Fundraising
fundraising is one of the resources to build komunitas jendela activity with selling clothes in sunmor ugm. this activity held once every month. i will tell how fun this activity in another article.

i hope komunitas jendela can be useful and make indonesia future more better. 

i am very proud to be volunteer of komunitas jendela. 

Volunteers don't get paid, not because they're worthless, but because they're priceless.  ~Sherry Anderson

Hello Word, Iam back!

long time no see. well, maybe some moment ago i'am lazy. honestly, i regret because some important moment didn't i write in this blog, iam afraid to forget again. so i promissed and will attempt to write my life moment in this blog. why? because i want still remember in complete.

and then, i will improve my english skill. so sometimes i will write in english and sometime in bahasa Indonesia. i don't care my grammar correct or wrong, but i still to try, because with try, i am sure i will be more able and better.

Hello word, I am back with my moment and my story.