i think mostly engineering college student after their graduate want to get job in oil company, especially schlumberger, because we know, in oil company you will get much sallary and any other facility.
on saturday november 9th 2013 at JEC "Jogja Expo Center", i visited UGM jobfair to aplly job in some company. in slb booth occurred a very long queue. did you know? I queued up to 2 hours to fill bio-data in the slb computer. waow, very tired. until there is a loose shoe.
more than 1000 applicants, but only 490 applicants who qualify to take the test is carried out on monday november 11th in the auditorium FIB UGM at 8 am until finish, the test consist of : communication skill, aptitude and group discussion. (all of test in english, ok. so prepare your english communication, start from now!).
1. three minute communication
in this test, there are 5 interviewer (4 from indonesia, 1 from america), who will take pictures at random, and you have to describe the picture as clear as possible with a maximum of 3 minutes.
at that time, my interviewer is a manager from indonesia who have worked at slb during 20 years.
yeah, i get singer picture:
Mr A : please describe about singer.
me : singer is a .... (bla .. bla)
my answer only 1 minutes and even then not smooth, my brain is blank, i didn't know.
Mr A : enough?
me : yes sir
Mr A : are you happy with your answer?
me : no sir.
I was very disappointed with my own answer. i think my friend have better english communication skill, they get picture about : motorcycle, car, bee, fish, king, train, tank, chopstick, pan and many other picture. (The pictures are about: vehicle, fruit, vegetable, profession, kitchen appliances)
I was sure I would not qualify for the next step. so I decided to go to boarding house.
at 12.45 pm i decide to go auditorium FIB, yeah i don't hope, i want to know who pass in first test.
at 1 pm I arrived at the auditorium, I did not expect at all, but there was my name in the announcement, it means I am eligible to take the test phase two. waow... very amazing, there are consist 250 participant.
2. Engineering Basic Test
so i entered the room, and i was late. and other applicant have been prepared to take tests.
before i sit, suddenly i was scolded by one of the judges slb,
Mr B: Why are you late? is it important for you?
me: iam so sorry sir, I was pessimistic will not qualify. yes, very important for me
(replied with a smile face)
Mr B: are you kidding me?
me: no sir, i am so sorry.
(and then i sit)
engineering basic test consist of mechanical physics, power physics, mathematics, general (about 60 multiple choice questions) and 1 question to draw something from cube. allocated time 1 hour.
yeah.. i only can work 65% maybe, and then 35% i fill with my feeling. nothing to lose...
and... one hour later, then, Alhamdulillah i still pass, and then go to the next step with 80 other participant.
3. Focus Group Discussion
in FGD you will be divided in some group, one group is consist 7 people. the project is you must build a RIG from 25 paper A4 + tape, with minimum high 60 cm and the rig must be able to support the weight of a battery.
yeah, and finally my group success to build a rig.
but in the end of discussion each of you will get some question to accountable for the work that has been done. i only answer with standard, because my english is very bad. so i cant to deliver my idea with good.
I stop up here, I have not succeeded to proceed to the next stage.
my advice is in this session you must be active to perform your speaking in english.
And then if us success in FGD, we will to the next step, interview HR and then interview user.
Still fighting to get dream job!